LWA 1: Shaquita

Shaquita Blanks began a job as an Account Specialist with a large manufacturing company in early 2020, participated in training for three weeks, then was sent home to work remotely due to Covid. She worked from home for over a year before the company began laying off workers.

LWA 2: Justin

It is unfortunate, but not uncommon, for a teenager to make a bad decision that would cost them years of their freedom growing up. Nineteen-year-old Justin was sentenced to 16 years in prison for a decision that cost him the ability to grow up as a young adult. Years of being away from life outside had posed more barriers and adjustment than just getting a job. Unfamiliar with how the world worked, he was still determined to find his potential. He contacted the McHenry County Workforce when he was about to be released to get assistance with employment.

LWA 3: Alyssa

Alyssa is a true testimony to what the WIOA programs offer career seekers. Alyssa had been in the Elevate Youth program before and earned her High School Diploma, however, the timing wasn’t right and she wasn’t able to find a career that suited her needs. She came back to the program and was determined to do everything in her power to break through the barriers in her way.

LWA 4: Martin

Martin is a resident of Bureau County and came to the BEST program for assistance in August of 2020. Before moving to Illinois in 2018, Martin had lived 2-3 years in Florida, where he suffered with constant stomach pain. Martin’s struggle with stomach issues caused him to miss many days of school, and he found it difficult to catch up on his studies.

LWA 5: Christopher

Sporadically employed, 24-year-old, Christopher Moushon, was living in the Galesburg area with no definite career path. He was referred to Business and Career Services (BCS) by the Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry in October 2022. In addition, Christopher faced other barriers preventing him from advancing onto a successful career path.