
Jimmy was convicted of a crime that led to incarceration. Determined not to repeat his mistakes, he actively sought employment opportunities to provide for his growing family. Jimmy visited the Job Center of Lake County for assistance, where he learned about the many services available, including the Revive Lake County program. Revive Lake County is a 5-week curriculum-driven cohort focusing on skills to prepare returning citizens for the workforce. The program is a collaborative partnership with the College of Lake County, the Lake County Jail, Department of Human Services, and the State’s Attorney’s Office. The modules of Revive include Life Skills, Career Awareness, Employment Skills, Essential Workplace Skills, and Capstone.

Revive became a prominent role in Jimmy’s life. When barriers were presented, Jimmy showed his growth and strong work ethic by being solution-focused and not allowing himself to be deterred. Jimmy successfully completed Revive Lake County, earning a Revive Certificate of Completion, as well as a Certificate of Work Ethic Proficiency.

After successfully completing Revive, Jimmy qualified for WIOA grant-funded training and began working towards his Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) at Kotra Driving School with plans of owning his own trucking company in the future. As Jimmy began CDL training, he also landed a full-time position with Kloss Distribution Co., as a Warehouse Servicer/Delivery Route Driver. Through his new employment, Jimmy received hands-on instruction with certified drivers, and completed his CDL.

Jimmy says, “I am extremely thankful for the second opportunity. I am also thankful to the staff for believing in me and for giving me the help I needed when I needed it the most.”