
When Kamari enrolled in the First Institute Training and Management Youth Program, she was committed to taking her General Educational Development (GED) Test. She met with her GED instructor and they began to develop a plan for her success. Kamari was also dealing with personal barriers such as transitioning into a woman, at-risk of homelessness, being unable to find a job due to lack of experience and transitioning, plus dealing with cognitive and emotional acceptance from her family and peers. Kamari expressed the severity of obtaining the necessary skills for her education and to become self-sufficient.

Despite her challenges, Kamari completed First Institute Training and Management’s “Job Readiness” training, and earned her GED certificate. Kamari has acquired her own apartment and is currently in a better place regarding her transition. She now has an effective emotional intelligence that will allow her to be a better individual. In addition, Kamari has enrolled in the Tricoci University of Beauty Culture in Danville, Illinois, and has started classes this fall.

Congratulations Kamari!