Bernadette had always wanted to be a nurse, but did not have the financial means to make it a reality. She found herself separated from her husband, applying for food stamps, working part-time as a CNA, and not knowing how she was going to support herself.
She heard about the services offered by Workforce Investment Solutions at the Decatur Illinois workNet Center, attended an Orientation, completed an assessment and was approved for assistance through the Epic program and WIOA Title 1 Adult funding. She couldn’t wait to call her daughter to let her know she’d been accepted into the Nursing program at Richland Community College. Her daughter was elated and said, “Momma, I’m so proud of you!”
She registered for classes and was looking forward to this new chapter in her life. She knew she’d be busy with assignments once classes started, so she decided to visit with her daughter and grandchildren in Alabama prior to the start of the fall semester. When her daughter was 21, she’d been diagnosed with Crohns Disease and was often sick. They had a wonderful visit and enjoyed each moment of their time together. Just 10 days after she returned, she received devastating news that her daughter, at the young age of 30 had just passed away. She was overwhelmed with grief and wasn’t sure it would be wise to start classes as planned.
The last thing she wanted to do was begin classes, but she knew they would help keep her mind occupied and that her daughter would have wanted her to pursue her dream, so she began the classes as planned. She poured her heart and soul into it, but it was hard, and in November she realized she was not going to pass. She discussed her concerns with her Career Planner, made arrangements for tutoring through Project READ Plus and decided to pursue her training at Capital Area School of Practical Nursing.
Bernadette successfully completed the LPN program and passed her boards on the first try! She is currently working at St. Mary’s hospital as a Licensed Practical Nurse. She is able to help her patients on a higher level as an LPN and encourages others to continue on with their education. Bernadette is thankful for her 29-year-old son and has been a good role model for him, often reminding him that if she can continue on with her goals, with all the obstacles she faced, he can too. Bernadette is appreciative of the support, both emotional and financial that she received from her Career Planner and Workforce Investment Solutions. She says, “I will forever be thankful to everyone at WIS for helping me to make my dreams come true. Thank you to Tony and Sherrie for believing in me and not giving up on me.”