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With the implementation of the Robotics Automation and the training our employees received, Three Z Printing had a few main goals we wished to accomplish. The goals were split into two categories: positive benefits for our employees and increased production capacity for our business. What was realized as the training completed and production started was that using the new robotic automation more that met our expectations.
From an employee standpoint, we were expecting to have individuals gain a basic knowledge of setting up and troubleshooting issues that would arise with the robotics. While that certainly happened, we have also observed a more engaged workforce with those who have been trained as well as those who are now learning this new skill set. Along with that, many times we will see small groups of employees gathered around the robot discussing what is happening, asking questions and brainstorming possible solutions. In short, it is continuing to increase communications among employees and as those groups work through issues, build teamwork.
As far as the company goals, in a difficult employee recruitment time, our goal was to find ways to move individuals from non-value added to value added roles within our operations. As we continue to become more efficient in the use of the robot to build and bulk stack our cartons on skids, we are able to move some of our employees to vital processes that keep our equipment running and allowing us to create quicker turnaround times.
With the positive experience we have had with this step into robotic automation and with the partnership created with WIOA and LWIA 23, we find ourself as a company constantly looking at what is the next step in incorporating the use of automation in our facility. Three Z Printing is very thankful for the opportunity we have had to work with the WIOA and looks forward to partnering in a many more projects.
Thank you for this opportunity, Three Z Printing